Does this void my factory warranty?
- Yes

What's the difference between 'Double Preset Mod' and 'Expression Switch Mod'
- Nothing.  Two names for the same thing.  The Double Preset Mod is accomplished by using the expression pedal functionality.
How is the 'Ultimate Expression Mod' different than the 'Double Preset' or 'Expression Switch' mods?
-The Ultimate Expression mod takes the Double Preset/Expression Switch mod to a new level offering smooth expression pedal like control without the pedal as well as the fast expression switching that gives you 'Double Presets'

Do you offer support?
- I do what I can.  The process is so simple and there are like 6 parts involved.  A caveman could do it.

Do you offer any other mods?
- Not at this time.  Am working on a volume drop mod which should hopefully be out sometime in the fall, 2011.

Do you offer parts kits?
- Not at this time, but potentially in the future if the demand is high enough.